Solutions / Classification & storage
Classification & Storage
Our wide range of devices and equipment can be used to handle various hot and abrasive materials. We have a storage solution for every material.

We have a wide range of applications and devices for crushing, screening, gas filtering, fluidizing, storing, feeding, dosing, and unloading. Our devices are often combined with cooling and conveying applications and used with large-scope deliveries.
We design and manufacture all these applications in-house. Through that, we can ensure large-scope deliveries with sound engineering, manufacturing, project management, on-time deliveries, and all services at the site.
Our storage equipment ranges from storage silos to unloading and filtering equipment. We can engineer a proper storage solution for the most challenging bulk materials. We have created a steady feeding and dust-free unloading system for situations where you need to unload material from the storage silo into the tank truck. Our solution makes the loading dust-free by moisturizing the material just enough to make the dust bound.
We also have a specially designed heavy-duty filter family for all pneumatic conveying solutions.
Our devices are primarily used in the handling of various types of materials in:
- Metal industry: the abrasive metal concentrates, fluxing agents, flue dusts and reverts.
- Energy and power: bottom ash, fly ash, sand, lime.
- Mineral and chemical industry: non-ferrous smelters, including copper, nickel, lead, zinc, and abrasive metal concentrates, fluxing agents, flue dusts and reverts.
- Pulp and paper: ash, kiln and fresh lime, lime kiln ash, starch, magnesium sulfite, CMS and plastic granules, among others.
Our Classification & Storage products

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