Career story
The variability of the work inspires designer Juha
Designer Juha Kalliokoski started at Kopar in 2019. He has moved from initial project work to designing modernizations and maintenance of customers’ productions. Learning new things is present in Juha’s work and free time, so the current varied work at Kopar-service also fits his character.

Before Kopar, Juha worked in production, so as a designer, he also has valuable practical experience in that part of the business. Compared to before, his work days are now very different.
– I mainly do equipment design and work with spare parts and old documents. In addition, my job includes layout planning, with which I also support sales, Juha says.
The old documentation that Juha needs in his work is related to Kopar’s long-term customers, old plans and spare parts deliveries. Time and changed working methods have taken their toll on the quality and quantity of the documentation required for the work.
– We try to use the old drawings, but from time to time, I redraw them. In practice, I do my design work and, of course, redraw in a 3D environment, Juha says and further specifies Solidworks as the mechanical design software.
“Information travels inside the house. It’s easy to connect with people, whatever the title or job description.”
Juha Kalliokoski, designer
Information makes work easier
The variability of the reforming production processes increases the meaningfulness of the work. One must learn new things because planning the renewal is only possible by knowing the customer’s process. The cooperation partner on the customer’s side is usually the one responsible for maintenance or production. Kopar and Juha also work together with engineering companies for their clients.
– In the best case, the information is accurate and precise from the beginning. Process descriptions and information about the material to be processed are valuable information, Juha says about the basic information of the design.
Juha deals with the customer mostly remotely. Technical consulting from the designer’s point of view is combined with the customer’s needs. Juha can also visit the customer’s premises to prime the design if necessary.
– When the production process is renewed, but the previous and sometimes cramped spaces are still in use, I can go and measure the space and necessary parts for my layout or spare parts planning on-site to be sure, says Juha.
Juha does customer visits mainly in Finland. However, the most memorable customer visit took place on Chilean soil.
– It was interesting to see how they handled things. At the time of the production stoppage, the crowd around the topic surprised me, but I still managed to get inside the customer’s situation. Maybe their previous experiences with Finns helped in this matter, Juha recalls his latest trip.
Kopar has six employees working on mechanical design and about 80 employees in total. One assignment involves several parties and different job descriptions.
Kopar has six employees working on mechanical design and about 80 employees in total. One assignment involves several parties and different job descriptions. How is the cooperation going?
– Information travels inside the house. It’s easy to connect with people, whatever the title or job description, describes Juha Kopar’s internal cooperation.
The meaning of work at Kopar
Juha has two small children, so flexibility from the employer’s side is necessary.
– You can’t always do things the way they are marked on the calendar, Juha says.
Juha works at Kopar’s Tampere office. However, he thinks the factors of a good working life don’t depend on the location or titles.
– Relaxed atmosphere and nice colleagues are also big things in terms of the meaning of work.
Different tasks, customers and production processes enrich everyday life.
– I like the variety of the work and how it develops me as a designer. Each process must be studied intensively so that the result meets the need. It’s great to see the device that started from the design working in practice, Juha says.
Kopar’s events are international as is the staff.
– We have gathered for Octoberfest and Mexico nights, for example, Juha mentions. The story does not say whether anyone from Kopar has visited the countries of origin to study the spirit of the events.
How would Juha describe the Kopar spirit?
– It’s a passion for Kopar’s devices and customers’ various processes. It’s also the relaxed atmosphere of the organization.
“Relaxed atmosphere and nice colleagues are also big things in terms of the meaning of work.”
Juha Kalliokoski, designer
The learning years of jigging
Juha’s attitude is also reflected in his attitude towards his hobbies. Disconnecting from work takes place on a typical weekday in the midst of the daily family chores. As for his actual hobbies, Juha highlights fishing.
Others buy a snare and a set of lures and say they are fishermen. Juha has a different approach to the hobby.
– I have been learning to fish for a few years now. I think there is something wrong with the lures when they don’t catch. I chose jig fishing as my sport. I read jig discussions and learn new things. I remember the first pike-perch I caught with a jig. It took a long time, but lake Kyrösjärvi finally gave it to me and rewarded my jig studies.
At Kopar, it is the sum total of several things that inspires Juha. However, the core of the matter seems to be professionalism combined with a “what is done, is done properly” attitude.

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