Career story
Ten years at Kopar
When Juha Nuuttila graduated from Parkano’s Vocational Institute, a familiar company waited for him. Juha had done summer jobs and internships at Kopar during his studies. After his military service in 2012, Juha started working at Kopar with the qualifications of a sheet metal welder. However, he has not done a single day of work corresponding to his qualification.

Juha Nuuttila’s 10-year career at Kopar includes a wide range of jobs and responsibilities.
– I started in the assembly, then shifted to a project foreman for the assembly, and now I am responsible for the welding and machining unit,” Juha says.
Before his current job, Juha also travelled on installation sites in Finland and abroad. When his family was about to grow, he got an interesting offer.
– Our production manager asked if I would be interested in my current job. That question hit the spot. I have now been a Supervisor for a year, Juha says.
”I feel the joy of success, when all the project variables and the overlapping work in production succeed, and the customer’s needs are met on time.”
Juha Nuuttila, supervisor
Challenging and versatile work
The word ”challenge” often replaces the negative-tinged word ”problem”. Being challenging in a positive way, as with Juha, brings interest and versatility to work. In addition, a successful outcome is of greater importance when the ability to solve a solution has been put to the test.
– In assembly, I was previously involved in project work and contract manufacturing. My current job is related to project work, which varies from case to case. I order materials and monitor their timely supply and manufacture. I feel the joy of success, when all the project variables and the overlapping work in production succeed, and the customer’s needs are met on time, Juha says.
For the acute issues of everyday life and the nuances of production, the supervisor makes himself easily approachable:
– I have found it essential to be present in production because then workers can ask me anything in passing or tell me the status of the work at hand.
”I have found it essential to be present as much as possible because then workers can ask me anything in passing or tell me the status of the work at hand.”
Juha Nuuttila, supervisor
Credit type
Juha’s attitude and position in the work community are also evidenced by his previous position as an occupational safety representative.
As a workers’ representative, he was responsible for matters affecting the safety and health of workers. Being a supervisor changed the situation in the position of shop steward. Juha is now a new occupational health and safety manager and is being trained for his new role.
– I need to know how to create a safe workplace. I am closely involved in production, so I continuously monitor the working environment and possible risk factors. I would just like employees to have a lower threshold for talking about things that weigh on their minds that are not related to the performance of the work itself, Juha encourages his colleagues.

Fly fishing is my thing. Parkano and the surrounding areas have good fishing rivers, which I visit from spring to late summer several times a week. This is also a good hobby for my family and in-laws” – says Juha, a fish allergy sufferer.
Liability and freedom
Juha Nuuttila’s work history, different tasks and responsibilities tell a lot about Juha himself but also about Kopar. Careers can develop as the company develops. Work can gain new perspectives as the company’s services and products develop.
– The best thing about Kopar is the versatility of the work. It is easy to keep the interest towards work, and there is always something new to learn, Juha sums up.
A sense of responsibility obliges one to take care of the work at Kopar too, but in return, one gets freedom. According to Juha, the employer has flexibility. Flexible working hours by themselves make it possible to handle civil matters, but even otherwise, one does not have to negotiate for minor absences. Reporting is enough.
When Juha came to Kopar ten years ago, the work community felt like a family. A grown company requires changes, but the team spirit is still good – which is probably one of the requirements for success.
Previously, Juha Nuuttila’s work was more physical, and at that time, it was easier to leave work matters behind the work door. The current job is more stressful on the mental side. So, in his free time, Juha wants to relax and focus on entirely different things. After a working day on a summer weekday evening, rivers and rapids provide a good spirit hole.
– Fly fishing is my thing. Parkano and the surrounding areas have good fishing rivers, which I visit from spring to late summer several times a week. This is also a good hobby for my family and in-laws, says Juha, a fish allergy sufferer.