Kopar Suunnittelu


Career story

Kopar drew Outi’s attention

Name: Outi Mielikäinen

Title: Director, Projects

Education: Master of Science (Technology), automation and control technology, teacher qualifications in vocational subjects and mathematical subjects

How long have you been working at Kopar: since February 2022

How you spend your free time: mainly with my family, doing gardening, and outdoor activities, spending time at our summer cottage, and climbing with my daughter. 

Outi Mielikäinen - Project Manager

Before starting as a Director of Projects at Kopar Outi Mielikäinen worked at Valmet Automation. Working in a large international organization had advantages. Still, Mielikäinen had begun to dream of working in a smaller company where team boundaries would be lower and operations more flexible than in larger organizations.  

– Valmet has so many employees that operating methods must be uniform and processes precise to maintain consistent quality throughout the organization, regardless of location. I was longing for a slightly looser framework. I started looking for a job where I could participate in different kinds of tasks and also in decision-making and process development.  

”I thought, let’s see what happens. In the end, the lack of experience with Kopar’s products was not an obstacle, as the main criteria were in project management tasks, and I have a long experience of that.”

Outi Mielikäinen, Director, Projects

Kopar drew Outi’s attention

Mielikäinen got to know Kopar through LinkedIn. She had seen a post that rose her interest. Mielikäinen did not apply for the first project manager job at Kopar because she thought she did not have enough expertise in bulk material handling equipment. She followed the company for six months on social media, and when a new position became available, she sent an application.

– I thought, let’s see what happens. In the end, the lack of experience with Kopar’s products was not an obstacle, as the main criteria were in project management tasks, and I have a long experience of that.

Mielikäinen went through two interviews and spoke with people at Kopar on the phone. During the process, both parties became convinced of each other’s suitability. Mielikäinen started her job in early 2022. She soon realized that her impressions of Kopar as a workplace had been correct. 

– I’ve especially liked that I get to work so close to production. Communication is direct and efficient, and observing the different stages of manufacturing has been interesting. Production plays a significant role in the implementation of projects and our company in general, so cooperation must go well. 

”I get to learn new things all the time. Working productively is also gratifying. Projects always have a beginning and an end; at the end, you can see how successful the project was and what is the result.”

Outi Mielikäinen, Director, Projects

Smaller but more challenging projects motivate Outi

Mielikäinen says working in a smaller company is just as pleasant as she had thought. Colleagues from different departments get to know each other, and everyone gets to develop processes to be more efficient.

– When we know people personally, communication becomes more easygoing. I know how to bring up certain topics with different people so things go smoothly. We don’t need to be that official all the time.

Projects at Kopar are smaller than they were at Valmet, but on the other hand, they are tailored to each site separately. That makes Kopar’s projects technically more challenging to manage. The environment in which Kopar’s equipment are installed adds up to the challenge.

– For example, in power plants and smelters, equipment is installed in challenging locations, and the requirements for their functionality are high. The equipment typically plays a very significant role in the process, which makes it an important investment for the customer.

What really keeps Mielikäinen motivated and excited about her job at Kopar is that the company has its own technological expertise, i.e. they design and manufacture equipment in-house.

– We talk a lot about the paper industry and its significance in Finland but forget that we also have strong engineering expertise. Top-level technology expertise can be found even in smaller companies, such as here at Kopar. It’s great to work in such a company and be part of a team of experts.

”If you value Finnish technology expertise and want to work in a flexible organization with good growth prospects and goals, you should definitely apply.”

Outi Mielikäinen, Director, Projects

Productive work is rewarding

Mielikäinen’s working days typically include many meetings, writing reports and communicating with different stakeholders. She monitors the progress of projects, communicates with project teams, maps out potential challenges and takes things forward if necessary, takes care of schedules, defines tasks, monitors the customer interface and tries to answer the customer’s questions. She also informs customers, supervisors and production of the project’s progress and ensures that projects follow the contractual framework.

The best thing about her job is the versatility.

– I get to learn new things all the time. Working productively is also gratifying. Projects always have a beginning and an end; at the end, you can see how successful the project was and what is the result. You can compare each project to the starting point and say precisely whether it achieved the desired goals.

According to Mielikäinen, Kopar is, first and foremost, a human employer. The company has a long tradition and knows how to consider each employee as an individual.

– I feel important as an employee. This is reflected in decision-making and the way things are discussed. We’re also a pretty fun place to work. My colleagues are all very nice, and we work for a common goal in a good spirit.

Mielikäinen is happy to recommend Kopar to other job seekers as well.

– If you value Finnish technology expertise and want to work in a flexible organization with good growth prospects and goals, you should definitely apply.